Wells House & Gardens
Explore 450 acres of enchanting woodlands & gardens, including fairy & Gruffalo walks, animal farm, playground, Mogue’s walk & much more. Would you prefer more time to relax? Why not book a week away in our onsite accommodation in the courtyard cottages.
Spend a day with the elegant backdrop of our 17th century Victorian House and a history dating back to the days of Cromwell and the famine. Stroll the formal gardens and arboretum, enjoy a picnic on the terrace and lawns!
At Wells House & Gardens we pride ourselves on our unique surroundings. Relax amongst 450 acres of woodlands and walks, let the little one’s Play in our playground, meet all the animals in Animal farm and Explore the arboretum, Fairy walk and Mogue’s walk. Don’t forget to say hi to the Gruffalo!!