AVEA Spring Forum at the National Botanic Gardens
Thanks to our host Felicity Gaffney, members had a most enjoyable visit to the National Botanic Gardens in Glasnevin.
The lecture theatre is superbly set up for events of this style, and we had almost 90 guests attend. The Irish Tourism Assistance Service is rebranding as Tourist SOS, and its CEO Lisa Kennedy presented on the kind and helpful service they provide to visitors who have been victims of crime, or who are in need of specialised support. We learned that the service is available seven days a week, and is nationwide (see more at www.touristsos.ie).
Miriam Brady, Commercial Manager at Dublin Bus, spoke to us about the in-depth training and design involved in delivering the DoDublin bus tours, which results in outstanding reviews from visitors.
Daryl Bennett, who is the Regional Director for UK and Ireland for GoCity, demystified how OTAs work and what they can deliver for visitor attractions (in 2023, GoCity delivered 183,000 visitors to almost 50 attractions businesses in Dublin!).
Our final guest of the day was Nollaig Fahy, of Smart Dublin, who spoke to us about the plans to innovate and differentiate how visitors see and access Dublin.
The Forum wrapped up with a networking lunch in the Visitor Centre, followed by a guided tour of the Gardens and Glasshouse.
It’s always a sign of a great event when members are still chatting in the car park an hour later!