AVEA was formed by the visitor experiences and attractions sector in 2017.
Its purpose is to represent members and provide advocacy, and to create greater awareness of the importance of this multi-faceted tourism sector. AVEA provides forums for members to network and exchange knowledge.
AVEA’s aim is to harness the collective vision of its members and, through their active participation, to be the sector’s leading voice and representative association on the island of Ireland.
Our work is centred on five key pillars: research – advocacy – member networking and knowledge exchange – tourism education and career development – and sustainability.
AVEA is recognised as the representative voice of the Visitor Attractions and Experience (VEA) sector in dealings with the key stakeholders in tourism on the island of Ireland. We engage in bilateral exchange of information and knowledge to help VEAs to reach their full tourism potential, through dialogue with the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media and other Government Departments; Tourism Ireland; Fáilte Ireland; the Department for the Economy (NI); Tourism Northern Ireland; the Irish Tourism Industry Confederation; and the Northern Ireland Tourism Alliance.

AVEA frequently participates in committees and working groups, including the Fáilte Ireland Industry Advisory Group, the Tourism and Hospitality Forum, and Tourism Ireland’s Central Marketing Partnership Group.
With over 120 members on the island of Ireland, large and small, we consider the challenges that face our sector, and identify recommendations and opportunities to effect change. AVEA is a member of the ISME (the Irish SME Association) and the Alliance for Insurance Reform.
AVEA is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in Dublin, Ireland in 2017, company number 598606.

Sean Connick
Dunbrody Famine Ship

Charles Coyle
Managing Director
Emerald Park

Catherine Toolan
Managing Director
Guinness Storehouse

Ann Daly
Head of Marketing
National Museum of Ireland

Biddy Hughes
Marketing Director
Westport House

Simon O’Connor
MoLI – Museum of Literature Ireland

Anne Marie Hallinan
Visitor Experience & Marketing Manager
St. Canice’s Cathedral

Geraldine Enright
Cliffs of Moher Visitor Experience

Anne O’Donoghue
Irish Heritage Trust
AVEA Chair

Catherine Flanagan