The Benefits of Membership
- Being a member of a group of like-minded businesses and individuals.
- Raising the profile of the sector and providing a strong voice within the tourism industry, with tourism agencies and Government departments.
- Access to AVEA Brand - adding strength to your brand and business, and providing an assurance to your suppliers and customers.
- Access to professional forums for sharing knowledge among members and assistance in addressing collective challenges and finding collaborative solutions.
- Access to special training initiatives organised by the Association in conjunction with Fáilte Ireland and other providers.
- Marketing benefits - inclusion on AVEA website and other promotional communications and literature of the Association.
- Access to general tourism and sectoral specific research.
- Through active participation at meetings, events, and the sharing of information, insights and experience, (and with the collaboration of relevant agencies and service suppliers) members will be enabled to continually improve their visitor experience and offering.
Who Should Join
Membership of AVEA shall be open to any organization operating as a Visitor Attraction or the provision of a Visitor Experience that entertains and engages visitors. There are two categories and a variety of different types of businesses that the board considers to be suited to AVEA membership.
Visitor Attractions
- Gardens
- Leisure & Entertainment
- Heritage – Cathedral & Churches
- Monastic Sites, Historic Buildings
- Museums & Galleries
Visitor Experiences
- Farm Visits
- Guided Walks
- Themed Trails
- Boat Trips
- Evening Entertainment & Theatres
Specific Business Types:
Castles, Great Houses, Gardens, Visits, Attractions, Churches, Monastic Sites, Parks & Entertainment, Living History, Libraries, Historic Ships, Literary & Music Experiences, Graveyards, Breweries, Distilleries, Museums, Galleries, Aquariums, Zoos, Heritage Buildings & Homes, Managed Natural Heritage Sites & Scenic Attractions.
** AVEA will also welcome Partners to the Association for which separate criteria will be available. A partner is considered to be a business that supplies products or provides services to the membership.